
Deadhold is an indie RTS game I developed under Dark Quarry Games, a company I cofounded.

Deadhold’s gameplay is a unique mix of real-time tactics essentials like strategic positioning, unit classes, and physically based simulation similar to such classic games as Myth and Dawn of War 2, combined with the items, loot, and leveling found in action RPGs like Diablo and Path Of Exile.

Development lasted 4 years, initially using the Unreal 4 engine, but rebuilding the project in Unity 3D after a year. The team size ranged from 2-8 people at various stages of the project.

My role was Lead Designer, Art Director and Technical Artist. I was primarily responsible for:


Above are a collection of screenshots showing development, map designs, shader development, mission scripting node editor and more. Please click on the information icon in the top left for more details.


Gameplay video teaser launched prior to release.

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