
Catan VR was developed by 'Experiment 7' in Unity 3D for Oculus Rift, Go, Gear and PSVR.

Catan VR takes the hit boardgame 'Settlers of Catan' into virtual reality allowing you to play online against friends or AI opponents.

My role was Technical Artist. I was primarily responsible for:

The goal was to take advantage of the best aspects of digital board games, and marry them with the huge social benefits of presence within VR. UI/UX design was particularly interesting, as VR has unique requirements for UI.


Depicted above are Catan's UI, and Animated Avatar system.


Example of the animation system for the Catan avatar opponents. This character 'Candamir' was able to show a number of emotions contextually, and could turn his head to face the other three opponents. The system was developed using Unity 3D's animation system, mechanim and C#.

Prototype UI/UX using C# and UGUI.

CatanVR promotional video showing gameplay.

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